So many things happen in life on a regular basis that we'll just never know why. Why are we currently living through a pandemic? Why did he ghost me? Why didn't I get into that school? Why did you not come see me? Why did I lose touch with that friend? Why did that relationship not work out the way I thought it would? As human beings, we can't help but overthink these situations, especially being in quarantine which gives us more time to think and overthink. It causes us to become frustrated and create scenarios in our heads that may or may not happen. I am guilty of overthinking all of these scenarios. Even over a year later, I still wonder why things happened the way they did and it bothers me everyday that I will never know why.

Everything really does happen for a reason. As cliche' as it sounds, this became more and more clear to me as the months go by. Maybe that relationship didn't work out because I deserve better than that. From the inside looking out, it is difficult to see all the negatives, but from the outside looking in, those negatives are clearly seen. Maybe I lost that friend because she wasn't a true friend to begin with and I was meant to find a group of friends who build me up instead of put me down. Friendships shouldn't be considered a chore. Maybe I didn't get into that school because it wasn't for me and I was meant to go to a school that I consider home and will excel in academically, emotionally, and socially.

It is truly bothersome to never know the answers as to why these things happen. It causes much stress, confusion, sleep deprivation, and even depression at times. We can't help but let these things get to us. However, God has a plan for each and every one of us that is greater than we could ever imagine. He removes people and situations from our lives that He knows do not satisfy his plans for us. These "coincidences" are really God incidents. We might not realize it or appreciate it at the time, but eventually, we come to understand why things happen the way they did.

All throughout 2019, I would constantly wonder why things happened the way they did. A year later in 2020, I can honestly say that I now understand why. It took me a while to realize, but things are starting to become more and more clear to me everyday. Some things are just better left unsaid. So the next time you're feeling down and saying to yourself "why me?" "why did this happen the way it did?" just remember that God has your back and you're now another step onto his path for you.

Until next time, sippers xoxo


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