Quarantine has given us all time to think, reflect, and appreciate all life has to offer. It really makes me realize how much is taken for granted. The little things in life like eating at a restaurant, waking up for school, having a girls night at a friends house, grabbing coffee with your cousin, and going to the movies or the mall for example are things that we always expect to be there. There have been times when I've complained about doing these things and now this is all I want to do. I'm sure you can relate to this too. However, only positive things can come out of this quarantine:

1) Self Care
With so much time spent at home, this has allowed me to really work on my self care. I don't just mean basic hygiene, I mean going beyond that and doing things for you to better you. For example, taking the time to meditate, even for just 5 minutes a day. This allows you to clear your head of any thoughts, worries, and stress. Meditation is defined differently by everyone so it can be done in several ways.

2) The Value of Friendships
I cannot remember a time where I was constantly busy on my phone all day talking to friends. Whether it be through text, phone calls, or Facetime, we are talking all day long helping each other get through this difficult time. People normally would think being glued to their phone all day long would be seen as a negative thing, but I am blessed to have so many friends in my life reaching out to me all day long as if we are actually present with each other. We all have those friends who we don't hear from everyday or see often, but when we do it is like nothing has changed and we are so grateful to have these gems in our lives. Quarantine has given me time to catch up with these friends and forgive those who have been dormant for quite some time. This to me is a beautiful thing knowing that there is always someone there thinking of me and cares for my well being.

3) Time Spent with Family:
We are not being stuck in our homes, instead, we are safe in our homes because we are surrounded by those we love and care for. This time has allowed us to make new traditions and be as creative as we can to help lift our spirits. Puzzles, board games, coloring, and Disney movies for example bring back the joy I remember feeling from my childhood. Looking at old photos, having Zoom meetings, making up our own workouts, trying new recipes, going for walks in the neighborhood, and helping one another with school work are things I have come to truly cherish. We make the most of everyday and I cannot picture being quarantined with anyone else.

4) Journaling
As mentioned in my first post, a forever friend of mine and I started journaling back in the summer of 2019. We speak our minds on those pages and include our positives from the day and the things we are grateful for. As the fall 2019 semester started, I did not have as much time to write everyday as I did in the summer. Being busy with school work, graduate school applications, personal statements, work, interning, etc. limited my free time and I decided to journal once a week. After the holidays, it totally slipped my mind to continue journaling. It was not until quarantine that I started to journal about my days again. When I looked back on those notes from the summer and fall, I realized the growth in me in just a short amount of time. This reminded me why I love to journal.

5) Appreciation for Nature
I always loved going to the beach and listen to the sounds of waves crashing. I can listen to it all day long. Sometimes I even listen to the sound of waves crashing from my phone to help me fall asleep or ease my mind. Nature is something we can always enjoy no matter what the situation is. It will always be there. The flowers, trees, oceans, etc. are meant to bring us peace and positivity. Now that it is spring, the trees are beginning to bloom, signifying new life and better days ahead.

A quote that I always live by is that "everyday may not be good, but there is something good in everyday." We can always find at least one positive thing to take away from any situation and this has been especially true during this quarantine. It is crazy to believe it has already been a month that we have been doing this because I have gotten so much done. I can go on and on about more things that being quarantined has taught me, but this is it in a nutshell. Remember that "this too shall pass." Better days are coming!

Until next time, sippers xoxo


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