When I hear the term "all or nothing," I immediately think of ultimatums: it's now or never. Everyone has been put in this type of situation at least once in their lives in so many different ways: buying clothes, picking a school to attend, relationships, last minute plans for a night out. When I think of someone having an all or nothing personality, I think of someone who is either all in or all out. They either put their heart and soul into everything they do or don't put any effort at all. I interpret the "all" as going above and beyond to do everything possible no matter how many challenges one faces. The "nothing" component means exactly what it is. Nothing. Nothing at all.

I think everyone can demonstrate the all or nothing personality at times. There are days where I wake up early and complete a whole day's worth of activities before noon (of course with the help of a good cup of coffee). And then there are days where I can't seem to move from my bed and just sleep the day away. And that's okay! With everything we do, we should always put in 110% of the effort, especially if it is something we are so passionate about. If we need a day to do nothing, there is nothing wrong with that! These little "breaks" are what we call mental health days and they are SO needed, especially nowadays!

I find it interesting how the phrase all or nothing can be interpreted differently by anyone who hears it. Your view may be completely different than mine and that's what makes these concepts great discussion topics. Having the all or nothing personality makes you realize what you want and that you should fight to get what you want until you get it. Every day we decide: are we going to be all? or nothing?

Until next time, sippers xoxo


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