Sometimes it seems as if life is one big waiting game. When will I find out if I got into that school? When will I know if I got the job? How long will it take me to find the right one? When will life return to normal after this pandemic? Where will I be working after graduation? What will my life look like in 10 years? These are common questions today that surround our minds and we can't help but to constantly think about them. 

But things such as these scenarios in our lives are out of our control. There are no answers to these questions in a given moment. For anyone who is anxious like me, this bothers us to no end. People often seek horoscopes and psychics to find their answers to life's mysteries. Last summer, I contemplated seeing a psychic myself. I got so caught up in what could be that I felt like I just needed to know. But will one person's opinion really change ours? I was scared to go so I never did. I did not know what I would do if I did not like what the psychic told me about my future and any questions I had about my life. 

What we can do is focus on the things that we can control. Surround yourself with people who build you up instead of putting you down, set an alarm to wake up early and get a jump start on your day, go out on a Friday night with the girls and have the time of your life, keep looking until you find the job that makes you happy, eat right, set a sleep routine, treat others the way you want to be treated, and follow the people who you want on social media. 

Most of all, we are in control of our own mindsets. There may be things that we cannot control, but WE are in control of how we live our lives. God has a plan for each and every one of us. Just keep living your life to the way want it to, no regrets, and with faith and trust that everything will work out for the best!

Until the next time, sippers xoxo


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