Let's face it, it is difficult to not compare ourselves to others in every single way: looks, fashion, hair, skin, relationships, intelligence, you name it! It is human nature to compare ourselves to the rest of society and want to be more like others for different reasons. We often think that because everyone else is doing something, we have to follow their plan directly. But how would any of us be unique if we all looked exactly the same, ate the same foods, went to the same places, wore the same clothes, etc.? Social media has a lot to do with this in today's day in age.

Some people are born with naturally beautiful curly hair while others can try all they want but their hair will never hold a curl and that's okay! If your hair is naturally straight, there are tons of other styles you can do with it that will look just as cute!

Some people get into relationships after 10 days of talking, and there are some relationships that officially begin after 10 weeks of talking or 3 months of talking and going on consistent dates. But guess what? That's okay!! There is no time stamp on when relationships are to "officially" begin. Everyone moves at their own pace. Rushing things just because society says it should be an official relationship after 2 months of talking and going on dates will not make you happy. If you need more time, take that time! Communication with your partner is key!

Society tells us that we need to begin our dream job right after we graduate from college. Nowadays, this isn't always the case. It is not easy finding your dream job right away as these jobs may require years of prior experience. If your first job isn't the best, that's okay!! If you decide you want to go back to school to get another degree in a totally different field, that's okay!! Everyone needs to start somewhere. Keep sending out resumes, look for job postings online, and most importantly, never give up!

Society tells us that couples should do everything together and that relationships should be perfect. We fail to realize that every relationship is unique! Some couples use Facetime 3 times a day to communicate, some don't use Facetime at all and text all day long. Some couples have jobs with long and conflicting work schedules and are lucky to get in a quick phone call once a day just to check in with one another. Some couples can afford to go to fancy restaurants every weekend and there are some couples who prefer a wine night watching a movie in the basement. It does mean that they love each other any less. No one's love story is written exactly the same!

Society tells us that its the guy's job to put in 100% of the effort at all times when it comes to talking and being in a relationship. But why should they have to do every little thing? After all, they're the ones paying for the date, driving you to and from the date, asked you out to begin with and made the plans for the first date. After that first date, if you want to see that guy again, tell him! There's no harm in telling a guy you had a great time and would like to see him again. So if you want to hangout, make a plan. Phones work both ways and putting in a little effort will let him know you're also interested.

These are just a few examples of how we are constantly influenced by society. So the next time you're stressing out because he hasn't texted you in the last 10 minutes or you're worried because you had an interview yesterday and didn't hear back yet, it's okay!! Stay calm and focused on your goals. Stay focused on what you want for yourself and you can never go wrong.

Until next time, sippers xoxo


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