Dear forever friend,

It is so difficult to put our friendship into words because I can go on and on forever. However, I'll try my best to not shed any tears while writing this (no promises). The ying to my yang, Serena to my Blair, partner in crime, my biggest cheerleader. In just the two years that we came best friends, you have become such a huge part of my life and there are not enough words to thank you for all that you've done for me. Safe to say I would not have survived 2019 without you.

Let me start off by saying how proud I am of you. Your determination, strength, and courage is truly inspiring and I look up to you in so many ways. Anyone who takes a look at your resume is automatically stunned because all of these qualities are seen on just a piece of paper. When you want something, you do whatever you can to make sure you get it and you always do, which is something not many people have the determination to do. You set goals for yourself and achieve them no matter how many challenges come your way. You've inspired me to never give up on my goals and push me to be a better person. When I didn't feel like I was good enough for a certain school, you encouraged me to apply anyway, even though you had no doubts about me. In the last two years, we managed to successfully launch two organizations together (cheers to us:). Without you, neither of these would have been possible. From day one I've always said you are the glue that holds us together and the encouragement we need to achieve our dreams. Congratulations on your graduation! I am so excited to see what the future holds for you and I am with you every step of the way! You should be so proud of the mark you left on this school and I know you will excel in graduate school and in your career. You never cease to amaze me!

I would not have survived 2019 without you. I needed you then more than ever and you were there without any hesitations. I call you upset and without saying anything else, you're on your way to my house with my favorite snacks as you comfort me with your words of wisdom. With everything I went through, you always made sure to take my mind off the situation and if that meant you picking me up at midnight and just driving around the island blasting our favorite songs and stopping at Sonic or a diner because let's face it, we're always hungry, then that's what we did. With every birthday that came, you made sure it was celebrated in the best way possible to bring the biggest smile on my face. I can't thank you enough for all the times you've dropped everything to be there for me when I needed you most. You've seen me at my best and worst and are there to pick up all the pieces in between.

You're my biggest cheerleader and hype woman. No matter how many photoshoots we do, you'll always help edit my pictures and hype me up in the comments. When going on a date, interview, taking big test, etc., you give me pep talks to ease my mind and make me laugh until I fall to the floor with your voicemails. "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. If you guessed 7, you're right." How can anyone forget that one? Or this one: "I keep seeing so many butterflies today they must be in season." I save them all and listen to them from time to time when I need a good laugh :) When I accomplish anything, you're the first person to plan an outing to celebrate. Our nights out are definitely experiences I will never forget and I'm so glad I share all these memories with you. Since I turned 21, we've been by each other's sides at every occasion. When we tell people stories of our weekend adventures, it usually ends with us laughing until we cry and people looking at us as if we have completely lost our minds. I've experienced almost all of my "first" outings with you and each story just gets funnier and funnier. The first time at Djas is definitely one for the books and a story we will be telling our children one day and hopefully not scaring them.

My forever friend- I'll always have your hand to hold, pick up the pieces when they fall, bring snacks in my bag to the bar because we know you didn't eat before we went out, hold your hair back, feed you my mom's left over macaroni when you come over, offer you my ladybug pillowpet to sleep on along with the amenities that come along with our sleepovers, and never leave your side. No one else I'd rather be attached at the Nissan with :) I love you! Thank you for being you. xoxo

P.S. - tears were shed

Love always,


  1. I love you so so much, my best friend I'm crying ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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