I sit here writing this post on the night of my college graduation. Today definitely did not go as expected, but I was surrounded by the most amazing family and friends in the world who did everything they could to make today so memorable for me and it definitely was. Today was a day I will never forget. I officially graduated from the place I called home for 4 years. It's crazy to think that I originally wanted to attend a different university that I was waitlisted for. I was devastated at the time but looking back on my college experience, it became clear to me why I was not originally accepted. Everything happens for a reason and God works in mysterious ways. If I attended any other school, I would have never met my best friends, started an organization on campus, became so passionate about my major, or had any other experience that I did.

I think back to freshman orientation remembering how tired I was and complaining about how this was not a place to call home. Yet, today I cried wishing I could have just one more year at that school. I remember my first college party feeling a mix of emotions: happy, excited, scared, nervous. I did not know what to expect or how to act. After all, I was the freshman baby and everyone else was older than me. I remember my first midterm week. I was overwhelmed with anxiety for the first time in a while and spent countless hours in the library studying until I was too tired to keep my eyes open any longer. I remember finishing my first semester feeling so accomplished knowing that there were only 7 semesters left. I remember my first internship, eager to expand my knowledge in the field I love. I remember the late night study sessions with my best friends over coffee until we lose track of time. I remember starting an organization on campus and feeling like a true leader and role model. I remember being inducted into every honor society I possibly could. Times like these remind me to keep going, no matter how tough life gets. I remember my first formal, a weekend I will never forget with some of the best people. I remember every school event and am glad to say I participated. I remember every little thing in between: the friends I've met, the nights I've cried studying for an exam, the mixers, the parties, etc. And I loved every minute of it.

It's crazy how fast time flies by. One minute we're 18 years old, a recent high school graduate not knowing what the next four years would hold for us. And then the next minute, we're 22 with bachelor degrees about to take on the world. I can proudly say I would not change a single thing about my college experience. I met the greatest people, went through everything I needed to, and learned so much about my career. Thank you college for the best four years I've ever had. I can't picture it being any other way with any other people by my side. Graduate school definitely won't be easy, but I know I have the best support system right by my side every step of the way. It's now time to take on the world and do the things we've dreamed of doing. Goodbye college, you will definitely be missed.

Until next time, sippers xoxo


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