Hi there! It's AML. When asked to describe myself, I never really know how to approach this question. I never liked talking about myself for some reason. But here I am so I will try my best! Just like a cup of coffee or tea, there are many things that go into my cup. Sugar, milk, lemon, cinnamon, honey, etc. all play a role here. I am a 22-year old girl with Italian and Irish backgrounds who is living her best life, a motto I started believing in when I turned 21. I am an Aries but many people see me more of a Pisces. Fun fact: if I was born on my due date, I would have been a Pisces so people usually call me a "cusp baby." I call New York City my home. I may decide to live somewhere else once settled in my career, but this will always be my home and I can never settle too far away from it.

I am graduating in May with my degree in speech-language pathology and pursuing graduate school in the fall. My goal is to be licensed in New York and New Jersey and land a job in a school and private practice setting. The hospital setting also appeals to me so I am hoping to see that side of speech-language pathology in graduate school. I am so excited to becoming one step closer to obtaining my dream job and helping individuals overcome challenges they face.

Working with children has always been a love of mine. Being an after school counselor has taught me so much about life and each of these children has left an impact on me. Interning at 2 private practices and a school allowed me to expand my knowledge in the field I love and allowed me to form relationships with children I worked with. Time I spent there is time I truly value and I am grateful for all the opportunities I have been given in my college career. As the saying goes "if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life."

There is nothing I love more than spending time with my family and friends. Whether we are out to eat, on Facetime, celebrating a holiday or a birthday, partying on a Saturday night, going for a drive, on vacation, or having a simple girls night in a basement that consists of ordering food and watching the same movie we've seen a hundred times but will watch it for the 101st time, I always leave feeling happier than when I came.

I love going to the beach, Disney World, Beauty and the Beast, doing hair and makeup, shopping, traveling, trying new things, baking, and taking photos. I am one of those people who still gets photos developed and put into photo albums according to year. One day we look back on those photos and reminisce on all the amazing memories we have and that is such a heart warming feeling. I also love to journal, which one of my best friends got my into last summer. We both started to journal how our days went, positives from that day, and what we are grateful for. The idea has stuck since then and I am happy to continue journaling in 2020.

Daughter, sister, cousin, niece, granddaughter, great niece, friend, listener, shoulder to cry on, compassionate, trustworthy, and so many more nouns and adjectives that I will save for future posts. I am hear to share advice and my stories to help people better themselves and relate to others. A lot goes into my cup, but for now I will leave this here.

Until next time, sippers, xoxo


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