Something I really got the chance to work on lately is my self care. As mentioned in another post, this goes way beyond basic hygiene. This means many different things to many different people. My definition of self care means doing things for you to better you. I am someone who believes that the little things in life that mean the most. A simple cup of coffee on a sunny day can boost my mood x10. Self care is so important in order for us to keep ourselves well put together. Here are a few little tips and tricks that I found work for me to help me better myself:

-Start each morning with a glass of water before doing anything else. This seems so simple, yet it helps rid your body and mind of toxins and allows you to start the day on a fresh start!

-Meditate, even if its just for 5 minutes. Allow yourself some "me time" each day. This allows you to clear your head of anything that is on your mind and recuperate. To meditate, I like to listen to the sound of waves crashing on the shore. This makes me feel like I am at the beach, my favorite place to be that makes me feel relaxed and takes my stress away. Try doing this for 5 minutes each day while closing your eyes.

-Vitamins: These should be taken on a daily basis to boost your immunity and energy levels. Every morning, I take a multi vitamin and Vitamin C. These help me to stay healthy and give me the energy I need to get me through my day.

-Working out: Something I try to do a little bit each day in order to keep myself and my body happy and healthy. Whether it's going for runs, lifting weights, doing squats, or ab crunches, working out is a great way to relieve stress and obtain the results that you want! I am someone who loves going to the gym, which I usually do 3 times a week. Home workouts are another great alternative! During this quarantine, I have been following Youtube videos and doing some yoga in my basement to keep my body happy and healthy.

-Clean eating: I find myself happier whenever I eat as clean as possible. Some of my favorite snacks are fruit, celery, granola bars, crackers and avocado spread, a handful of nuts, and smoothies. Lately I've been making my own smoothie recipes that keep me full and satisfied for hours filled with all natural and healthy ingredients!

-Opening windows: Another simple little trick but so important! There is nothing like fresh air to clear out a stuffy room. I find that opening windows just for a few minutes each day makes me feel so much better when I walk into a room and I can immediately feel a difference. It makes a room feel so much cleaner and happier.

-Herbal tea: Nighttime is a perfect time for a hot cup of herbal tea of your choice! Herbs bring so many healing properties to the body and help you relax to get a good night's sleep, especially chamomile tea. If I have a headache or struggle falling asleep, a hot cup of chamomile tea with a freshly squeezed lemon seems to do the trick!

-Proper skin care routine: In order to be happy in our own skin, we need to take care of our own skin. Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing twice a day help keep our skin clean, hydrated, and glowing at all times. Face masks are a great addition to skin care routines in order to detox on a weekly basis. Proper skin care is so important for many reasons that I will share in a later post as well as what I do on a daily basis to keep my skin healthy.

-Fill your room with things that bring you happiness. When I am home, I find myself spending most of my time in my room, whether its doing homework, makeup, or talking to friends on the phone, it's very easy to feel overwhelmed with the stresses that encompass our minds. A good friend of mine finds happiness in flowers so she fills her room with flowers to bring her joy everyday. In order to keep myself inspired and motivated, I fill my desk with some of my favorite quotes. When I am stressed out from school work and studying, I read those quotes to remind myself that what is for me will not pass me.

-Praying: Start each day and end each day with a prayer. Never forget to thank God for blessing us with another beautiful day and thank him for the blessings we received for the day.

These are just a few little tricks that I do to help better myself. There is always room for improvement, which can be done in little ways that we often times overlook. Looking forward to sharing more tips and tricks!

Until next time, sippers xoxo


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